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ECI to Host FB3000 Application Training

January 22, 2025
ECI is hosting a two-day, hands-on training course that will help you develop the FB3000 hardware, software and application knowledge to successfully support your operations with reliable measurement and control.

This training is led by Ken Kochman, ECI's subject matter expert. The material was developed to specifically address the learning needs and applications of ECI customers – delivering custom, real-world learning and best practices that are immediately applicable.
  • Hardware – Specifications and capabilities of key FB3000 hardware including CPU, remote IO CPU, mixed IO, AO/DO, communications and Hart cards.
  • Firmware – Configurable software elements within the FB3000, FBxConnect, including configuring multivariable transmitters, setting up flow meter runs, communications and native control instances.
  • Hands-On Application – Attendees will configure IO, set up meter runs, and configure logic using the native control instances for a real-world automation project.
  • Applications: PMSC – Capabilities of the Production Manager Edge Applications along with ECI's FBxRIO application, and Surface Controls, an alternative to native control instances, that allows more capabilities in configuring logic.
  • Hands-On Application – With the same real-world automation project, attendees use Production Manger Surface Controls to generate control logic.
  • Applications: PMEQ and PMWO – Capabilities of additional Production Manager Applications, including Well Optimization and Equipment Module.
This training is ideal for Measurement technicians, I&E technicians, SCADA technicians, Production/Optimization technicians, managers and directors and anyone responsible for managing or operating an FB3000.
The training is Tuesday, March 25, and Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm each day. Lunch is provided. The training will be held at ECI’s corporate headquarters in Lawrence, PA.
The cost is $2500 per attendee. Registration is required for this training.