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Building Confidence and Earning Respect
When You’re the Youngest Guy in the Room Building Confidence and Earning Respect
When You’re the Youngest Guy in the Room

“I like to think that ECI sets the standard for outage management. Day to day, we run whatever jobs are needed, but the big projects differentiate us from all others. As one of several outage managers working with dozens of ECI field technicians, we are ‘all hands on deck’ when it comes to outage support. I’m passionate about our customers’ facilities, processes, and safety—as well as putting the right resources in place. That winning combination is what keeps our customers coming back, every season.”

—Teddy Charletta, Outage Manager

Teddy never considered any other profession than engineering, having been raised in a family where both parents were engineers—Mom, a petroleum engineer and Dad, a mechanical engineer. He’ll tell you that he was lucky to have landed a summer internship at ECI, where he started his career, but luck had very little to do with his career progression and stellar reputation. In his first full-time role as an Inside Sales Engineer, he made a point to listen to customers, learn what concerned them, and take the initiative to resolve their issues as quickly as possible.

According to Teddy, “I really enjoyed working with our field technicians. It was the genuine nature of who they are that appealed to me right from the start. I could understand their daily struggles and then figure out how to help them. While I didn’t have the tenure, I could provide the technical knowledge for what they needed.”

Teddy continues to take the initiative to determine what’s needed and improve any process he encounters. Learning the various factory systems was critical to enhancing his knowledge and applying that to what he saw in the field. He continues, “I worked under our seasoned field supervisors and took a hands-on approach by going out to the sites, listening to customers, and allowing others to take the lead with my learning. This collaboration enabled me to become a trusted resource who was seen as a useful addition.

“By demonstrating that I not only could retain what they taught me, but apply my technical knowledge to their specific problem, I earned their respect.”

Now as an Outage Manager with 6 years under his belt, Teddy has the knowledge, experience, and confidence to handle some of the largest outages in the region—helping to ensure that utilities and other infrastructure industries are safe and working efficiently. His approach continues to be hands-on, taking a deeper dive with extensive planning and preparation, along with the documentation and tools to support a preventative maintenance approach.

He starts planning when the last outage finishes. This way everything is accounted for; there’s a better execution and resource blueprint; and the customer doesn’t need to worry about the plan. Customers deal with multiple contractors before and during a planned outage, so integrity makes a difference. Teddy comments, “Being a trusted partner is invaluable, and allows not only me, but our entire company, to benefit. With ECI taking care of critical valve assets, there’s no need for the customer to worry.”
Teddy adds, “I come prepared to do the job at hand, but also can be reactive when needed. Sometimes things come up that we need to execute that same day—customers are very appreciative of that. Responsiveness is what sets us apart, as well as good documentation to help plan their outage. I’m proud of making my customer relationships a priority, and they know that they can call me any time.”
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